Be inspired by other self-employed people and invest in your network!
Together with other self-employed people you know more than alone! Nothing is better than meeting someone who has exactly the skills or contacts you are looking for. Whether it's for your next job, or just to spar together.
That's why we came up with the Boost-your-Business lunch: a networking event where you meet other self-employed people, so that we can strengthen and help each other.
And you are invited to this event, completely free! The lunch and the pitch and workshop program are organized by the Werkplek and its members in collaboration with VEBAN, especially for self-employed people from Amsterdam and the surrounding area.
🗓️ When? Friday April 19, 2024.
📍 Where? De Werkplaats, Slijperweg 12A.
🕦 Time? 11am - 4pm
Will we see you on Friday the 19th?
Let's boost our business together!
Boost your Business is part of the 3rd edition of the Open Business Day Amsterdam North.